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Spring Break in South Florida: Sunshine and Sandals, But Watch Out for Accidents

As the warmth of spring begins to bloom, so does the annual tradition of spring break in South Florida. With its inviting beaches, vibrant nightlife, and endless attractions, it’s no wonder thousands flock to the Sunshine State to soak up the sun and make unforgettable memories. However, amidst the festivities and excitement, there’s a darker side that often goes unspoken – the dangers of driving during spring break.

South Florida transforms into a bustling hub of activity during this time, with an influx of tourists and partygoers flooding the streets. While the influx of visitors brings economic prosperity and vitality to the region, it also amplifies the risks on the roads. From crowded highways to distracted drivers, navigating the streets of South Florida during spring break requires heightened caution and vigilance.

The combination of increased traffic, alcohol consumption, and unfamiliarity with local roads creates a recipe for potential accidents. Whether it’s a fender bender or a more serious collision, the consequences can be devastating. Auto accidents can result in severe injuries, medical expenses, and emotional trauma, turning a vacation into a nightmare in the blink of an eye.

Dangers on the Road:

  • Impaired Driving: Spring Break and alcohol often go hand-in-hand. With more intoxicated drivers on the road, the risk of accidents skyrockets.
  • Distracted Driving: Party vibes can be distracting! Passengers, music, and the festive atmosphere can take a driver’s eyes off the road.
  • Traffic Jams: Spring Break brings a surge in visitors, leading to congested highways and frustrated drivers prone to risky maneuvers.
  • Pedestrian and Scooter Traffic: Beachgoers and scooter riders increase significantly, requiring extra vigilance from drivers.

Spring Break in South Florida: Sunshine and Sandals, But Watch Out for Accidents 1 Multi Car Accidents South Florida Injury Law Firm


Navigating the Dangers of Driving in South Florida During Spring Break

In addition to traditional automobiles, the popularity of scooters and other alternative modes of transportation adds another layer of complexity to the equation. With riders zipping through traffic and weaving between cars, accidents involving scooters are all too common during spring break.


So, what should you do if you or a loved one is injured in an auto or scooter accident during spring break in South Florida? Here are the crucial steps to take:

  1. Seek Medical Attention: Your health and safety should always be the top priority. Even if you feel fine initially, it’s essential to undergo a medical evaluation to assess any hidden injuries or internal trauma.
  2. Report the Accident: Contact local law enforcement to report the accident. Having an official police report on file can provide valuable documentation for insurance claims and legal proceedings.
  3. Gather Evidence: If possible, collect evidence at the scene of the accident, such as photographs of the vehicles involved, witness statements, and any relevant details. This information can be crucial in building a strong case.
  4. Exchange Information: Exchange contact and insurance information with the other parties involved in the accident. Be sure to obtain their names, addresses, phone numbers, and insurance policy details.
  5. Contact a Reputable Lawyer: In the aftermath of an accident, navigating the legal process can be overwhelming, especially if you’re dealing with injuries and emotional distress. That’s where a reputable, experienced lawyer can make all the difference.


At The South Florida Injury Law Firm, we understand the complexities of personal injury cases, particularly those arising from accidents during spring break. Our dedicated team of attorneys is committed to advocating for the rights of accident victims and securing the compensation they deserve.

From negotiating with insurance companies to representing clients in court, we handle every aspect of the legal process with skill and compassion. With our extensive experience and track record of success, you can trust us to fight tirelessly on your behalf.


While spring break in South Florida is undoubtedly a time for fun and relaxation, it’s essential to remain vigilant on the roads.
By taking proactive steps to ensure your safety and knowing what to do in the event of an accident, you can protect yourself and your loved ones during this bustling season. And if the unexpected happens, remember that “The South Florida Injury Law Firm” is here to provide expert legal guidance and support every step of the way. Stay safe, and enjoy your spring break responsibly.

Don’t let a Spring Break accident turn your dream vacation into a nightmare. Drive defensively, be aware of your surroundings, and in case of an accident, remember – The South Florida Injury Law Firm is here to help you get back on your feet.

rollover crash fll airport accident attorney

Rollover car accident at the Fort Lauderdale Airport injures driver

Broward Sheriff Fire Rescue teams swiftly reacted to a car accident at the Cypress Garage of the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport last Friday morning.

According to investigators, around 9 a.m., a driver collided with another vehicle on the third floor of the parking facility, causing her car to overturn.

The injured driver was promptly transported by paramedics to Broward Health Medical Center for critical medical care due to her serious injuries.

Concurrently, BSFR personnel diligently managed a gasoline spill resulting from the accident, ensuring the safety of all individuals present at the airport, including visitors and staff.

Officials from FLL stated that the incident was confined to a relatively small section and did not disrupt activities within the garage.

The Cost of a Car Accident: Why Hiring a Broward Attorney is Worth Every Penny

Car accidents are a nightmare, both emotionally and financially. From medical bills to vehicle repairs, the costs can quickly pile up, leaving you stressed and overwhelmed. That’s where hiring a Broward attorney comes in. With their expertise and knowledge, they can ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve, making every penny worth it.

When it comes to legal matters, it’s essential to have someone on your side who knows the ins and outs of the system. A Broward attorney specializes in car accident cases and understands the complexities involved. They will navigate the legal process, gathering evidence, negotiating with insurance companies, and fighting for your rights, all while you focus on your recovery.

While some may hesitate to hire an attorney due to cost concerns, the truth is that their services can more than pay for themselves. By seeking professional legal help, you can maximize your chances of obtaining a fair settlement. Attorneys are skilled at assessing the true value of your case and advocating for your best interests. In the end, their expertise can make a significant difference in the compensation you receive and help you move forward after a car accident.

Don’t underestimate the importance of hiring a Broward attorney. Let them handle the complexities of the legal process so you can focus on healing and rebuilding your life. The cost of their services is a worthwhile investment in the outcome of your case.

The financial impact of a car accident

Car accidents can have a significant financial impact on individuals involved. Medical bills can quickly accumulate, especially if the injuries sustained are severe. The cost of ambulance services, emergency room visits, surgeries, physical therapy, and ongoing treatments can be overwhelming. Additionally, property damage is another expense that often arises from car accidents. Whether it’s repairing or replacing your vehicle, the costs can be substantial. Lastly, car accidents can result in lost wages if you are unable to work due to your injuries. This loss of income can further exacerbate the financial strain.

The legal complexities of car accident cases

Navigating the legal process after a car accident can be overwhelming, especially if you’re not familiar with the intricacies of personal injury law. There are various legal complexities involved, such as determining liability, gathering evidence, negotiating with insurance companies, and understanding the statute of limitations. Without proper legal representation, you may find yourself at a disadvantage when dealing with these complexities. This is where a Broward attorney can be invaluable.

The benefits of hiring a Broward attorney

Hiring a Broward attorney specializing in car accident cases can offer numerous benefits. Firstly, they have the expertise and knowledge of personal injury law, allowing them to navigate the legal process efficiently. They will gather evidence to support your case, including medical records, accident reports, and witness testimonies. With their negotiation skills, they can effectively communicate with insurance companies, ensuring that you receive fair compensation for your injuries and damages. Their experience also enables them to assess the true value of your case, maximizing the settlement you may receive.

How a Broward attorney can help with insurance claims

Dealing with insurance companies can be daunting, as they often try to minimize the compensation they pay out. A Broward attorney can handle all communication with the insurance companies on your behalf. They will ensure that your rights are protected and that you are not taken advantage of. They understand the tactics insurance companies use to undervalue claims and can counteract them effectively. With their knowledge and experience, they can build a strong case that supports your claim and fights for the compensation you deserve.

The role of a Broward attorney in proving liability

Proving liability is a crucial aspect of car accident cases. It involves establishing who is at fault for the accident and should be held responsible for the resulting damages. This can be a complex task, as multiple factors come into play, such as traffic laws, eyewitness testimonies, and expert analysis. A Broward attorney will thoroughly investigate the accident, collecting evidence to prove liability. They will work with accident reconstruction experts, review police reports, and interview witnesses to build a solid case on your behalf.

Understanding the statute of limitations in car accident cases

It’s essential to understand the statute of limitations when filing a car accident claim. The statute of limitations sets a time limit within which you must file your claim; otherwise, you may lose your right to seek compensation. In Florida, the statute of limitations for personal injury cases, including car accidents, is four years from the date of the accident. However, it’s crucial to consult with a Broward attorney as soon as possible to ensure you meet all necessary deadlines and preserve your right to file a claim.

The potential costs of not hiring a Broward attorney

Some individuals may hesitate to hire a Broward attorney due to concerns about the cost of their services. However, the potential costs of not hiring legal representation can be far more significant. Without an attorney, you may be at a disadvantage when negotiating with insurance companies. They may try to undervalue your claim or deny it altogether, leaving you without the compensation you deserve. Additionally, without legal guidance, you may make mistakes during the legal process that can harm your case. Hiring a Broward attorney can help avoid these pitfalls and ensure you receive the maximum compensation possible.

How to choose the right Broward attorney for your car accident case

Choosing the right Broward attorney for your car accident case is crucial to the success of your claim. Start by researching attorneys who specialize in personal injury law and have experience with car accident cases. Look for attorneys with positive reviews and a track record of successful settlements. Schedule consultations with potential attorneys to discuss your case and assess their expertise and compatibility. During these consultations, ask about their fees, payment structure, and their approach to handling car accident cases. Ultimately, choose an attorney who instills confidence and trust, as they will be your advocate throughout the legal process.

The value of investing in a Broward attorney for your car accident case

Don’t underestimate the importance of hiring a Broward attorney if you’ve been involved in a car accident. The costs of a car accident can quickly add up, leaving you financially burdened. By hiring a Broward attorney, you are investing in professional legal representation that can help you navigate the complexities of the legal process. They will fight for your rights, maximize your chances of obtaining a fair settlement, and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. While there may be concerns about the cost of their services, the value they provide is worth every penny. Let a Broward attorney handle the legal matters, allowing you to focus on healing and rebuilding your life after a car accident.


Top Conditions Responsible for Most Injury Crashes in Florida

Florida, known for its scenic highways and beautiful landscapes, unfortunately also holds a notorious reputation for being one of the states with the highest number of injury crashes in the United States. With its year-round warm weather and bustling tourist attractions, it’s no surprise that the Sunshine State sees an influx of drivers on its roadways.

However, behind the picturesque scenery lies a set of conditions that contribute to the alarming rate of accidents. In this article, we will delve into the top conditions responsible for most injury crashes in Florida, shedding light on the factors that put drivers at risk. From distracted driving to hazardous road conditions, we will explore the reasons behind these accidents and provide valuable insights to help raise awareness and promote safer driving practices. So fasten your seatbelts and join us on this journey as we uncover the hidden culprits behind Florida’s injury crashes.

Understanding the Role of Driver Error in Injury Crashes

When it comes to injury crashes in Florida, driver error plays a significant role. Many accidents occur due to simple mistakes that could have been avoided with more attentive and responsible driving. One common form of driver error is distracted driving. Whether it’s texting, talking on the phone, or fiddling with the radio, distractions divert a driver’s attention from the road, leading to potentially disastrous consequences. Additionally, drunk driving remains a major contributor to injury crashes in Florida. Impaired judgment, reduced reaction time, and decreased coordination all make drunk driving a dangerous choice that puts both the driver and others at risk

Another form of driver error that contributes to injury crashes is speeding and reckless driving. Florida’s highways are known for their high speeds, but exceeding the limit and driving recklessly can have severe consequences. Tailgating, weaving through traffic, and disregarding traffic signals are all behaviors that increase the risk of an accident. It’s crucial for drivers to understand the importance of following speed limits and driving responsibly to mitigate injury crashes on Florida’s roadways.

Top Conditions Responsible for Most Injury Crashes in Florida 2 Multi Car Accidents South Florida Injury Law Firm

Distracted Driving as a Leading Cause of Injury Crashes

Distracted driving has become an epidemic in recent years, not only in Florida but across the country. With the widespread use of smartphones and other electronic devices, drivers are more tempted than ever to take their eyes off the road. Texting while driving is particularly dangerous, as it involves all three forms of distraction: visual, manual, and cognitive. When a driver is texting, their attention is diverted from the road for an extended period, significantly increasing the risk of an accident. However, distractions can come in various forms, such as eating, grooming, or even daydreaming. It is essential for drivers to prioritize their focus on the road to prevent injury crashes caused by distractions.

The Dangers of Drunk Driving and Its Impact on Injury Crashes

Drunk driving remains a serious issue in Florida, with alcohol-related accidents accounting for a significant portion of injury crashes. When a driver is under the influence of alcohol, their ability to operate a vehicle safely becomes severely impaired. Alcohol affects judgment, coordination, and reaction time, making it difficult for drivers to navigate the road and respond to potential hazards. It is crucial for individuals to understand the dangers of drunk driving and to make responsible choices by designating a sober driver or utilizing alternative transportation methods. By eliminating drunk driving, Florida can reduce the number of injury crashes and save countless lives.

Top Conditions Responsible for Most Injury Crashes in Florida 3 Multi Car Accidents South Florida Injury Law Firm

Speeding and Reckless Driving as Contributing Factors to Injury Crashes

Speeding and reckless driving are two factors that significantly contribute to injury crashes in Florida. Many drivers fail to recognize the potential consequences of exceeding speed limits or engaging in reckless behavior on the road. Speeding reduces the driver’s ability to react to sudden changes in road conditions or unexpected obstacles, increasing the likelihood of a collision. Reckless driving, such as tailgating or changing lanes without signaling, further compounds the risk. It’s important for drivers to obey speed limits and practice responsible driving habits to reduce injury crashes caused by excessive speed and recklessness.

Exploring the Role of Fatigue and Drowsy Driving in Injury Crashes

Fatigue and drowsy driving are often overlooked factors that contribute to injury crashes in Florida. Many drivers underestimate the impact of sleep deprivation on their ability to drive safely. Lack of sleep can impair cognitive function and reaction time, making it similar to driving under the influence of alcohol. Fatigue-related accidents often occur during early morning hours or late at night when drivers are more likely to feel drowsy. It is crucial for drivers to prioritize getting enough rest and recognize the signs of fatigue to prevent injury crashes caused by drowsy driving.

injury car crashes accident

The Impact of Aggressive Driving Behaviors on Injury Crashes

Aggressive driving behaviors, such as tailgating, honking excessively, or engaging in road rage, contribute to injury crashes in Florida. These behaviors create a hostile and dangerous environment on the road, putting everyone at risk. Aggressive drivers often disregard traffic laws and fail to consider the safety of others. It’s important for drivers to remain calm and patient, allowing traffic to flow smoothly and reducing the likelihood of injury crashes caused by aggressive driving. By fostering a culture of respect and courtesy on the road, Florida can significantly reduce the number of accidents and injuries.

Discussing the Importance of Seatbelt Usage and Its Relation to Injury Crashes

Seatbelt usage is a critical factor in preventing injury crashes. Wearing a seatbelt significantly reduces the risk of severe injury or death in the event of an accident. Unfortunately, many drivers and passengers in Florida neglect to buckle up, putting themselves at unnecessary risk. Seatbelts are designed to restrain occupants and prevent them from being ejected from the vehicle during a crash. It is essential for drivers and passengers to understand the importance of seatbelt usage and make it a habit every time they get in a vehicle. By promoting seatbelt usage, Florida can greatly reduce the number of injuries and fatalities resulting from injury crashes.

Top Conditions Responsible for Most Injury Crashes in Florida 4 Multi Car Accidents South Florida Injury Law Firm

Weather Conditions and Their Influence on Injury Crashes in Florida

Florida’s climate, with its frequent rain and occasional hurricanes, poses unique challenges for drivers. Weather conditions, such as heavy rain, fog, or strong winds, can significantly increase the risk of injury crashes. Reduced visibility, slippery roads, and limited control over the vehicle make driving in adverse weather conditions dangerous. It’s crucial for drivers to adjust their driving behavior and exercise caution when encountering unfavorable weather. By being aware of the weather conditions and taking appropriate measures, drivers can minimize the risk of injury crashes caused by inclement weather.

Roadway Design and Infrastructure Factors Contributing to Injury Crashes

The design and condition of Florida’s roadways also play a role in injury crashes. Poorly designed intersections, inadequate signage, and lack of proper lighting can all contribute to accidents. Additionally, road hazards such as potholes, uneven surfaces, or debris on the road can cause drivers to lose control of their vehicles. It’s essential for Florida’s transportation authorities to prioritize roadway maintenance, improve infrastructure, and implement effective traffic management strategies to minimize injury crashes. By addressing these factors, Florida can provide safer roadways for its residents and visitors.

Conclusion and Steps to Prevent Injury Crashes in Florida

In conclusion, Florida’s high number of injury crashes can be attributed to a combination of factors. Driver error, including distracted driving, drunk driving, speeding, and reckless behavior, plays a significant role in these accidents. Fatigue and drowsy driving, aggressive driving behaviors, and lack of seatbelt usage also contribute to the problem. Additionally, weather conditions and roadway design can increase the risk of injury crashes. To prevent these accidents, it is crucial for drivers to prioritize safe driving practices, such as avoiding distractions, driving sober, obeying speed limits, and wearing seatbelts. Public awareness campaigns, stricter law enforcement, and improved road infrastructure are also necessary steps to promote safer driving in Florida. By addressing these issues collectively, Florida can reduce the number of injury crashes and create a safer environment for all road users. So, let’s take responsibility behind the wheel and work towards a future with fewer injury crashes in the Sunshine State.

If you have recently discovered that you were injured in an auto accident or another motor vehicle crash caused by someone else’s negligence, the next step to protect your rights is to schedule a free consultation with one of the experienced car accident attorneys at The South Florida Injury Law Firm. Call (954) 488-JEFF to take this crucial step.

after accident injury lawyer attorney

If My Auto Accident Injuries Don’t Appear Right Away, What Should I Do?

It is crucial to seek medical attention promptly if you experience symptoms following an auto accident. Seeing a doctor is not only essential for your well-being but also for your personal injury claim. However, what if you feel fine immediately after the collision, only to have symptoms arise later?

This situation is more common than you might think.

As a general rule, it is advisable to undergo a medical examination after a motor vehicle accident, even if you believe your injuries are minor. Neglecting medical care can exacerbate injuries, potentially turning what could have been a short-term injury into a long-term or permanent one.

auto accident injuries

Additionally, it is wise to consult a local car accident lawyer as soon as possible after the incident. The responsible driver’s insurance company will likely reach out to you shortly after the accident, and engaging in conversations with them before seeking advice from an experienced auto accident attorney can be risky.

Below are some types of injuries that may not be immediately apparent after an automobile accident. Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and if you experience any unusual symptoms in the days or weeks following a traffic accident, it is crucial to seek medical attention.

  1. Head Injuries:
    Head injuries, including concussions and more severe forms of traumatic brain injury (TBI), can go unnoticed immediately after a motor vehicle collision. Several factors contribute to this. Firstly, someone who experiences a headache immediately after a traumatic event like a car crash may attribute it to stress or the jarring impact of the collision. Secondly, a small bleed may not cause immediate symptoms. Thirdly, many people are unaware that concussions can occur without a direct impact to the head. Additionally, some symptoms of TBI, such as dizziness and nausea, may not be immediately associated with a head injury.
  2. Back Injuries:
    Even a significant back injury may not be immediately evident. Sometimes, individuals with back injuries may mistake their stiffness or soreness as a result of the impact and decide to wait a few days to see if their condition improves without medical care. In other cases, the pain may not be noticeable amidst the shock and disorientation following the car crash. Furthermore, some back injuries may initially cause little or no pain but worsen as the injured individual moves around and strains their spine.
  3. Psychological Harm:
    Many individuals who have been injured in automobile accidents, especially severe collisions, may suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or other psychological impacts. However, these symptoms may not manifest immediately. For example, someone with PTSD following a motor vehicle crash and hospitalized may not experience symptoms until they attempt to get into a car to go home from the hospital. Additionally, it can be challenging in the initial days to distinguish between the natural emotional and psychological response immediately after the incident and a more lasting psychological issue.
If My Auto Accident Injuries Don’t Appear Right Away, What Should I Do? 5 Multi Car Accidents South Florida Injury Law Firm

What to Do When You Discover Car Accident Injuries:

Ideally, you should have undergone an examination immediately after the accident and documented any symptoms you experienced thereafter. However, if you did not suspect an injury initially and have not taken these steps, the next best course of action is to act promptly once you realize you were injured.

  1. Seek Medical Assessment:
    The first step is to seek medical attention. Whether you visit your doctor, an emergency room, or a walk-in clinic, make sure to inform the physician about all your symptoms, even if they seem unrelated. As previously mentioned, you may not always recognize the connection between a specific symptom and an injury sustained in the auto accident. Also, inform the doctor that you were involved in a traffic accident and describe any symptoms you have experienced since the collision and when they started.
  2. Document Your Symptoms and Limitations:
    Whenever you sustain an injury, it is advisable to keep a record of the symptoms you are experiencing and how they affect your daily life. Ideally, you should start maintaining this record immediately after the accident. However, if your injuries were not immediately apparent, begin documenting as soon as you realize you were injured. While it may seem that you will remember the details of your condition and its impact on your quality of life, it is easy to forget over time. Maintaining a record will help you provide accurate information to your treating physicians and your car accident attorney, enabling them to offer the best possible assistance.
  3. Consult a Car Accident Lawyer Immediately:
    If you did not immediately realize that you had been injured and may be entitled to compensation, you may have already made mistakes that could affect your personal injury claim. For instance, if you have spoken to the other driver’s insurance company, they may have tried to lead you into saying something detrimental to your car accident claim. Moreover, if you did not seek a medical assessment right away, you may have exacerbated your injury. In such cases, the other party’s insurer will often attempt to prove that your injuries are partly your fault, thereby reducing the available compensation.
If My Auto Accident Injuries Don’t Appear Right Away, What Should I Do? 6 Multi Car Accidents South Florida Injury Law Firm

The sooner you engage the services of a reputable personal injury lawyer experienced in car accident claims, the better their opportunity to mitigate any damage, gather evidence, interview witnesses, and build the strongest possible case on your behalf.

If you have recently discovered that you were injured in an auto accident or another motor vehicle crash caused by someone else’s negligence, the next step to protect your rights is to schedule a free consultation with one of the experienced car accident attorneys at The South Florida Injury Law Firm. Call (954) 488-JEFF to take this crucial step.

miami broward spring break 2023 accident attorney

Car Accidents During Spring Break in South Florida

As personal injury attorneys in South Florida, we know that spring break can be a time of fun and relaxation for many people. Unfortunately, it can also be a time of increased risk on the roads, as more tourists and party-goers flock to the area.

According to a study conducted by the University of Miami, the 14 most popular spring break destinations, including South Florida, saw a 9.1% increase in auto accidents

Here, we’ll take a closer look at the issue of car accidents during spring break in South Florida and what you can do if you are involved in an accident.

Why Are Car Accidents More Common During Spring Break?

Spring break is a time when many college students and tourists come to South Florida to enjoy the warm weather and beach parties. While this can be a fun time, it also means that there are more people on the roads, and many of them may not be familiar with the area or local driving laws. This can lead to a higher risk of accidents, particularly if drivers are distracted, under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or simply not paying attention to the road.

Car Accidents During Spring Break in South Florida 7 Multi Car Accidents South Florida Injury Law Firm

Common Causes of Car Accidents During Spring Break

At South Florida Injury Law Firm, we have seen firsthand the devastating consequences of car accidents during spring break. Here are some of the factors that can contribute to car accidents during this time of year:

Increased traffic

With more people on the roads during spring break, traffic can be heavier and more congested than usual. This can lead to more accidents, especially in areas where there are a lot of tourists and visitors who may be unfamiliar with the local roads.

Impaired driving

Unfortunately, spring break is also a time when many people engage in excessive drinking and drug use. This can lead to impaired driving, which is a leading cause of car accidents during this time of year.

Distracted driving

With so much to see and do during spring break, it’s easy to become distracted while driving. This can include texting or using social media, taking photos or videos, or even just looking at the sights and sounds around you.

Road construction

There is a number of ongoing road construction and maintenance being performed on major roads throughout South Florida and is also a common time for road construction projects to begin, which can lead to traffic disruptions and increased risk of accidents.

Car Accidents During Spring Break in South Florida 8 Multi Car Accidents South Florida Injury Law Firm

Driving under the influence

Many people come to South Florida to party, and unfortunately, this often leads to an increase in drunk driving accidents.


With so many people on the roads, drivers may feel pressure to get to their destination quickly, which can lead to speeding and reckless driving.

Inexperienced drivers

Many tourists and college students may not be familiar with the area or local driving laws, which can lead to confusion and accidents.

Car Accidents During Spring Break in South Florida 9 Multi Car Accidents South Florida Injury Law Firm

What Should You Do If You’re Involved in an Accident During Spring Break?

If you are involved in a car accident during spring break in South Florida, it’s important to take the following steps:

Call the police

Even if the accident seems minor, it’s important to call the police and have them document the accident. This can be important if you need to file a claim with your insurance company or if you need to pursue legal action.

Seek medical attention

Even if you feel fine after the accident, it’s a good idea to seek medical attention to make sure that you don’t have any hidden injuries. Some injuries, like whiplash or concussions, may not show symptoms right away.

Gather evidence

Take photos of the accident scene, get contact information from any witnesses, and make note of any relevant details about the accident.

Exchange information

Be sure to exchange contact and insurance information with the other driver involved in the accident.

Contact an attorney

If you’ve been injured in an accident during spring break, it’s important to contact a personal injury attorney who can help you understand your legal options and pursue compensation for your injuries.

How Can You Stay Safe During Spring Break?

If you’re planning to visit South Florida for spring break, there are several things you can do to stay safe on the roads, including:

Avoid distracted driving

Put your phone away and avoid other distractions while driving.

Don’t drink and drive

If you plan to drink, make sure that you have a designated driver or use a ride-sharing service like Uber or Lyft.

Obey traffic laws

Follow the speed limit and other traffic laws to avoid accidents.

Be aware of your surroundings

Pay attention to other drivers and pedestrians on the roads, and be aware of any hazards or obstacles.

Car Accidents During Spring Break in South Florida 10 Multi Car Accidents South Florida Injury Law Firm

Spring break can be a fun and exciting time in South Florida, but it’s important to remember that the roads can be dangerous during this time. By following the tips outlined in this blog post and staying aware of your surroundings, you can help reduce your risk of being involved in a car accident. If you are injured in an accident during spring break, be sure to contact an experienced personal injury attorney.

At The South Florida Injury Law Firm, we have extensive experience helping clients who have been injured in car accidents during spring break. We understand the unique challenges that this time of year can present, and we are dedicated to helping our clients get the justice and compensation they deserve.

wilton manors accident

Deadly Car Accident at the Wilton Manors Stonewall Pride Parade

It was early Saturday evening in Wilton Mantors when a white pickup truck struck two people just before the Stonewall Pride Parade was set to begin. The 2011 white Dodge Ram was the lead vehichle that had lined up with other floats when it accelerated and ran over two men standing by to take part in the parade around 7 p.m. on Wilton Drive near 16th Street.


The driver of the truck that plowed into the two victims was a 77-year-old man, who police say had physical ailments that prevented him from walking the parade route and because of it, was selected to be the lead vehicle of the parade. A DUI test showed no signs of impairment on the driver’s behalf.

wilton manors parade sceneFirst responders within the crowd quickly helped the two men who were hit, performing CPR. One of the victims was pronounced dead shortly after arriving at the hospital. The second victim is expected to survive.


“It was bad,” said Keith Witusik, a mechanic at the Fort Lauderdale Garden Center. “I was like, ‘Oh my God. I can’t believe this is happening.’”

Deadly Car Accident at the Wilton Manors Stonewall Pride Parade 11 Multi Car Accidents South Florida Injury Law FirmFlorida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried, who was at the Stonewall Pride Parade event, along with U.S. Reps. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Ted Deutch, confirmed the incident on Twitter and said the driver was in custody.

Wasserman Schultz said “I am deeply shaken and devastated that a life was lost and others seriously injured at tonight’s Wilton Manors Stonewall Pride Parade. My staff, volunteers and I are, thankfully, safe. I want to thank our first responders for their heroic efforts as both police and emergency medical personnel stepped into action quickly. We’re praying for the victims and their loved ones as law enforcement investigates and I am providing them with whatever assistance I can. I am so heartbroken by what took place at this celebration. May the memory of the life lost be for a blessing.”

Deadly Car Accident at the Wilton Manors Stonewall Pride Parade 12 Multi Car Accidents South Florida Injury Law FirmWilton Manors Vice Mayor Paul Rolli said Sunday that the early investigation shows it was an accident. It has been confirmed that the driver of the truck and the victims are all members of the Fort Lauderdale Gay Men’s Chorus.


Those are a lot of unfair hurdles the survivor will have to overcome.

Car accidents victims are expected to take care of this process on top of the added stress of being injured, spending time in the hospital, and/or missing time from work. That’s simply not fair to car accident victims – and that’s why we are here to help you get through it together.

All car accidents are serious. Even minor collisions can lead to costly car repairs, medical treatment, and lingering injuries. Stress and financial costs associated with car accidents can quickly spiral out of control. Without proper representation, you may find yourself left holding the bag without anyone to help you.


If you have been injured or lost a loved one in a car accident in South Florida, you will want the right law firm and attorneys that can maximize the amount of money you receive for the harms and losses you have suffered. The lawyers at The South Florida Injury Law Firm have exceptional experience in dealing with all types of automobile collisions, as well as an in-depth knowledge of Florida car insurance coverage and liability laws.


Conveniently located for residents of Boynton Beach, Boca Raton, Delray Beach, West Palm Beach and South Florida, the Law Offices of The South Florida Injury Law Firm are in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. However, if you have the need, your Boynton Beach personal injury attorney can visit you in your home or, if necessary, in the hospital. To contact a Boca Raton injury lawyer with The South Florida Injury Law Firm you can call 954.764.7377 anytime 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Or fill out the convenient online form for a free case evaluation. Remember, the consultation is free and you will owe nothing until recovery of benefits is made.

You're in a Car Crash – What Florida Law Requires You to Do

Auto Accident in Plantation Leaves 2 Dead on Sunrise Boulevard



  • A deadly auto accident happened in Plantation Florida near 441 on NW 47th Avenue and Sunrise Boulevard.
  • Two people were killed in a sedan after being hit by an SUV.
  • The impact tore the sedan’s front and rear axles completely off.
  • Sunrise Boulevard  was completely reopened just before 1PM



According to initial reports by Plantation police, the Honda sedan was attempting to turn from the eastbound lanes on Sunrise Boulevard with the intention of either going north on 43rd Avenue or making a U-turn to go west on Sunrise Boulevard. Lanes of West Sunrise Boulevard in Plantation were closed in both directions shortly after 5 a.m. By 9:45 a.m., only the two left lanes had remained closed.





The Honda can be seen missing its entire front end and almost appears to be split in half. The Mercedes SUV sustained significant front end damage. The accident is still under investigation by Plantation police and fire departments and charges are reportedly pending related to the accident.



auto accident on sunrise boulevard

Every driver has a responsibility to drive in a cautious and courteous manner. With so many drivers sharing Florida roadways, no amount of defensive driving can protect you from the negligent and reckless behavior of another driver.


For many Floridians, it isn’t if you will be involved in a crash, but when.


If you find yourself in a car accident, there are a number of different things that you should probably do. Get yourself medical help. Take pictures and gather evidence. Call a lawyer. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed and even confused following a car accident. Let alone the concerns surrounding medical bills, repair needed and whether or not you will be able to return to work.


In fact, we’ve written guides about what to do after a crash. However, you don’t have to do many of those things. If you wanted to, you could skip a lot of them.


Not all of them, though. There are some things that Florida law actually requires you to do if you are involved in a crash. Below, we’re going to go over what those are.

Stop at the scene of the auto accident


Hopefully, this goes without saying, but you cannot simply drive away after the car crash. You must first stop and fulfill the other duties detailed below first. Otherwise, it could be classified as a hit and run.

Hurt in a Florida Spring Break Car Crash? You Can Fight BackIf you leave a crash where someone else was injured, this is a third-degree felony, and you can face up to five years in prison or five years of probation, a $5,000 fine, and driver’s license revocation. If someone dies in the car crash, then it is a first-degree felony, with penalties of up to 30 years in prison, a $10,000 fine, and driver’s license revocation. There is a mandatory minimum prison sentence of two years if you were driving under the influence.


If it is only property that was damaged, then it is a second-degree misdemeanor, with penalties of up to 60 days in jail and a $500 fine.


Get help for anyone who has been injured


If the other person requires or requests medical treatment, you are obligated to provide “reasonable assistance.” This means things like transporting or making arrangements to transport the person to a doctor or hospital. Often, your best course of action is to call 9-1-1.


Move your car out of the way


If your car is blocking traffic, you are required to move your car or call for help, such as from a tow truck, if you are unable to do so.


Provide your name and address to the other driver


You must also show your driver’s license or permit and vehicle registration number if requested. In the situation where the other person is not able to receive that information, then you are required to report the crash.


Provide information to investigating police officers


You must share your driver’s license, vehicle registration, address, and other information. Don’t discuss fault at this point. Just answers questions honestly. You never know what the other driver may or may not have been doing.


Boca Raton Car Accident Attorneys

Report the accident in some cases


You are required to report the accident to the local police department, sheriff, or the Florida Highway Patrol if there are injuries, death, or damage over $500. You are also required to do so if either driver is intoxicated.


You don’t have to file a crash report if the investigating officer does so, but you should confirm that they actually did so. Also, your crash report should include up-to-date information about your car insurance.


Once you do these things, you can be on your way if you wish. However, you could be missing out if the other driver’s negligence caused the accident. This is something that’s not always easy to tell when you’re involved. The best way to know for sure is to reach out to a knowledgeable Florida car crash lawyer and talk to them about your case.




injury law firm james white car accident death patriots

Fatal Car Accident of Miami-Dade Police Capt. Tyrone White

On a Sunday afternoon in September, one car overturned and erupted in flames, the other was left badly damaged after a car accident at the intersection of Griffin Road and Southwest 118th Avenue in Cooper City.


Tyrone White, captain of the Miami-Dade Police Department, was killed in the automobile accident.
Tyrnoe White’s wife and the mother of James White, Lisa,  remains in the hospital.
The accident is actively being investigated by the Broward County Sheriff’s Office.



White is the father of New England Patriots running back and Fort Lauderdale native, James White, who had been told of the tragic accident only 90 minutes before Sunday’s night’s 35-30 loss against the Seattle Seahawks. He had been listed by the Patriots as inactive for the game due to personal reasons.



During NBC’s broadcast, sideline reporter Michelle Tafoya said Patriots owner Robert Kraft offered to fly White immediately to Miami, but White declined and elected to remain in Seattle.

White has played for the Patriots for seven years. He’s been a captain for the last three seasons.

The New England Patriots’ players dedicated their team’s 36-20 victory over the Las Vegas Raiders the following Sunday to running back James White

It’s an unfortunate reality that fatalities can be a result of an auto accident throughout South Florida every day. Circumstances behind them are sometimes preventable and consequences of carelessness, negligence or intoxication while behind the wheel. Intoxication is a leading cause of crashes and can end in devastating injuries or even death.




When someone is injured in a car accident, they can sue the at-fault driver for compensation for sustained injuries. If a fatality is involved, surviving family members can bring the lawsuit against the at-fault driver.



Wrongful Death Legal Rights


A wrongful death is one that is caused by another person’s or business’ criminal, intentional, reckless, or negligent actions. Every case has their own set of circumstances surrounding the case, and an attorney will need to analyze them to see whether you have a valid wrongful death claim.

In an auto accident, the driver might be responsible if they:

  • Proof of intoxication or under the influence of drugs
  • Engaged in distracted driving
  • Evidence of careless error, (example:  failing to look in their rearview mirror when passing or backing up)
  • Drove recklessly or aggressively, by speeding, swerving, or passing on the right

Additionally, a business can be held responsible in a wrongful death case. By example, a defective airbag, brakes or seatbelts malfunctioning might have been the root cause of death in the accident.



 If you lost a spouse, parent, child, or relative due to the negligence of another person or entity, you should talk to a lawyer immediately to learn more about your rights.

Also, surviving family members could be entitled to compensation for losses associated with the wrongful death case, including:

  • Loss of care
  • Loss of companionship
  • Lost wages and benefits that the deceased would have earned had they lived
  • Emotional grief

How to calculate these losses can be difficult. Lost wages and benefits are somewhat speculative, especially if your loved one was young. No one knows with confidence what jobs they would have worked and how much they would have made.

Regardless, an experienced and knowledgeable wrongful death auto accident attorney will be able to estimate these amounts with you.




Although difficult to talk about, the fact is that driving a car is dangerous.
Almost 3 million Americans find themselves in a hospital emergency rooms annually because of auto accident injuries. Much of the time, the damage is invisible at first glance.
About 50% of ER visits are due to trauma from a car accident.


If your loved one was killed in a car accident in Florida, you may be entitled to seek remedy in the form of a wrongful death lawsuit. This is a civil action that allows immediate family members to seek compensation from drivers who were careless, reckless, drunk, distracted, aggressive, tired or inexperienced and in turn caused a death.

An attorney will be able to uncover evidence of liability you would never be able to get to on your own, using legal tactics such as depositions, interrogatories, expert testimony, and more.
We will fight to get you the best possible compensation from the parties who are responsible. Call today for a free case review. We’ll look at all the facts of your case and let you know what options are available in your situation.


attorney fights for you

The Injury Law Firm Continues Fighting for You

Accidents haven’t stopped,
so we haven’t either.

We’re successfully navigating the ongoing pandemic by serving clients remotely and taking on your personal injury cases.



Communicating with Our Clients

As the pandemic has pushed law firms across the country to close down their offices, The South Florida Injury Law Firm has never stopped working. We know that you rely on us to provide professional legal services, which is why we made it a priority to use the right tools to help us work with our clients remotely.



[icons size=’fa-2x’ custom_size=” icon=’fa-phone’ type=’circle’ position=’left’ border=’no’ border_color=” icon_color=’#ffffff’ background_color=’#b11f35′ margin=” icon_animation=” icon_animation_delay=” link=” target=’_self’] By Phone

For immediate attention, our attorneys are always available to help by cell phone and text message. 



[icons size=’fa-2x’ custom_size=” icon=’fa-envelope’ type=’circle’ position=’left’ border=’no’ border_color=” icon_color=’#ffffff’ background_color=’#b11f35′ margin=” icon_animation=” icon_animation_delay=” link=” target=’_self’] By Email

Just as we’ve always done, our team is working with clients through email. 



[icons size=’fa-2x’ custom_size=” icon=’fa-video-camera’ type=’circle’ position=’left’ border=’no’ border_color=” icon_color=’#ffffff’ background_color=’#b11f35′ margin=” icon_animation=” icon_animation_delay=” link=” target=’_self’] By video conference

Our firm is able to offer help to potential clients by having virtual meetings through Zoom and enabling face-to-face communication. Video conferencing makes it more efficient to talk to not only clients but our staff too as we manage the law firm remotely. 






Serving South Florida

In Florida, Broward County tops the charts with the most auto accidents of any county. These accidents impact thousands of residents each year, but many victims aren’t sure what to do about their injuries or damaged property. Trying to get help from their car insurance company proves frustrating and they often accept wholly undervalued settlement offers.



The South Florida Injury Law Firm proudly serves Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Counties



Collecting Signatures

We’ve gone paperless! Given recent social distancing guidelines, we’re using the latest tech to help collect signatures safely and remotely. Do you think you have a case? Right now, we’re able to help you securely sign up from the comfort of your home using e-signature technology, Docusign. You won’t have to worry about showing up in person again.




connecting with south florida injury law

Online Presence

We’ve always believed in having a strong online presence to offer information to potential clients in any of their desired outlets.


Our website is easy to find and navigate so you can learn more about the legal services we offer, our attorneys, and results. You can also find all our contact information on our website and social media platforms. And if you think you have a case, you may fill out our convenient online form for a free case evaluation.

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You can also find all our contact information on our website and social media platforms.

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Let Us Handle Your Case Remotely

The South Florida Injury Law Firm continues fighting for you anytime, anywhere. Our attorneys are happy to speak with you by phone or video conference without having to worry about going out to another public place and risking exposure.

To contact an accident lawyer, you can call The South Florida Injury Law Firm anytime at (954) 488-JEFF – we’re available seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Complete our online form to get a free case evaluation. Remember, the consultation is completely free! That means you don’t owe us anything until we recover for you.

covid-19 coronavirus accidents

COVID-19 Auto Accidents in South Florida

COVID-19 has created a dramatic shift in all of our lives and even on our South Florida roadways. With residents holed up at home, working remotely and running fewer errands than ever, rush hour traffic has dipped considerably. Shuttered bars and restaurants has meant fewer drunk drivers on the roads and less auto accidents.


Those who must and do go out may be under the impression that the roads are safer due to this dip in traffic congestion we’ve seen throughout the state. They have evidence to support that belief too.


Florida drivers were involved in 9,469 crashes in June compared to 31,128 in 2019.


However true, that belief for many drivers contributes to the most serious and fatal auto accidents that can happen.



The Need For Speed

A recent report by the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) stated that many drivers across the U.S. are pushing the needle to speeds greater than 100 mph. FHP have also reported drivers are traveling at speeds of 20-40 mph over the posted speed limit on average.

“Law enforcement officials have the same mission as health care providers — to save lives. If you must drive, buckle up, follow the posted speed limit and look out for pedestrians and bicyclists. Emergency rooms in many areas of the country are at capacity, and the last thing they need is additional strain from traffic crash victims,” said GHSA Executive Director Jonathan Adkins.



coronavirus south florida auto accidents

Caution Your Confidence

The roads may appear empty and safe for you to push the pedal a little further. Just a few MPH over the speed limit is no big deal, right?

Out of the 9,469 crashes in June, 54% were speed related and 37% of those were fatal.


Due to distracted driving, unsafe road conditions and a myriad of circumstances we’ve seen can happen here at The South Florida Injury Law Firm, we know the roads are never as safe as they may seem.

It’s difficult to foresee auto accidents, the injuries that can come from them and the lifelong effects they have. It can put even a bigger dent in finances that COVID-19 have already burdened so many with. It is even worse when you know somebody else through their negligence caused you suffering, and that’s why you need to fight hard to get compensated for your loss. Be cautious and remember these steps we’ve put together for you to be better prepared:



What to do at the scene of an auto accident during this time of COVID-19

  • Get medical attention for those who are injured.
  • Still Practice Safe Distance. Stay 6 feet away from the other driver.
  • If you are able to without discomfort, pay mind to and keep your mask on.
  • Get the name and the driver’s license of the driver of the car that caused the collision.
  • If the driver leaves, get the license plate number of the car. If this is not possible, at least get a description of the car including the make, model, color, and any descriptive information you can.
  • Call the police. If the car leaves, do not endanger yourself by following or chasing it. The police will do their best to track down the culprit.
  • Wait in a safe place for the arrival of the police.
  • If there are witnesses, try to get their names, contact information, and statements.
  • Take photos of the scene of the accident as well as of the damage to your car.


As soon as possible with auto accidents, make your own written statement about what happened. Include as many details as you can about how the accident occurred. Note exactly where the accident occurred, whether there were traffic lights or a stop sign, what you observed the other driver doing, and any other information that seems relevant.


If someone sustains a head wound, broken arm or puncture wound, the injuries are obviously serious, and medical assistance should be sought immediately. But many times, accidents result in aching or overall soreness. It can be tempting to shrug this soreness off, as the pain may even subside over the following days. Not seeking medical attention can be a major mistake.



Get an Attorney

When searching for the best personal injury lawyers in South Florida, or if you have experienced an auto accident or injury, be sure to check for experience, track record, and reviews from their past clients.

Our team have 100+ years of combined legal experience, so we’ve handled just about every kind of injury and accident case you can imagine. We also come from diverse legal backgrounds that help us when preparing for cases, counting a former public defender and a lawyer who worked for insurance companies and knows their tactics among our partners.

During this time, we urge you to be safe on the road and if you have been in an accident, know that you deserve to be compensated for your pain and suffering – and those responsible deserve to be held accountable for their actions. That was The South Florida Injury Law Firm’s goal when it was founded in South Florida in 1991, and it has remained the centerpiece of the firm’s mission ever since that time.